Tuesday, September 3, 2013

One Piece Many Ways: Blue Blazer 5 Ways

I've been slowly adding to my jacket and blazer collection because they are just SO versatile for work and for weekend wear. Nothing makes even a casual outfit feel put together like a blazer does. When I bought this blue blazer at the LOFT outlet in June, I wasn't exactly sure what I'd wear it with but I'd been wanting a blue blazer and the price was right (under $40). It's a slightly purple-ish blue and not a true cobalt or royal blue.

Of course you can pair it with black or with white but I found it to go with even more clothing items in my closet than I imagined. Here is my blue blazer worn 5 different ways.

I'm looking forward to styling this in the fall too with pants and jeans. Since I just picked this up at the end of June perhaps your LOFT outlet has them still if you are in the market for one (they also had them in bright green) and maybe you'll even find it on clearance! Score!

What I wore posts to come detailing out each outfit.

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What I Wore Wednesday


  1. That's a gorgeous color! Cobalt is surprisingly versatile~

  2. That color really is so pretty. I especially love it with the yellow, and with the shorts!

    lace, etc.

  3. Great job on your remix! I did a similar color of blue for mine - just in pants not a jacket!

    I love the blazer with the blue dress - unexpected but so cute!

  4. I have a blue blazer just like this!! These are great! I can't pick a favourite - but number 1, 4 and 5 have all inspired me to try some new ways in new ways to wear mine. Thanks so much!


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