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Thursday, September 30, 2010

BOO! Dollar Store Ghosts

Halloween is just a month away so here is a fun and super duper thrifty craft... Dollar Store Ghosts! Kudos to my mom who came up with this idea.

You need:
-A clear slightly frosted glass candle holder thingy (I'm sure that must be the official name for it) from the dollar store for you guessed it, $1... mine is from Dollar Tree.
-A fake tealight. These were 2 for $1 at Dollar Tree.
-black paint pen or marker of some sort - most own this already

So now for the incredibly long and complicated directions... haha just kidding. Take black pen and draw a ghost face on your candle holder thing. It slopes down on half of the holder so I made that shorter part the back. Put tealight inside. TA-DA! Was that simple or what?

Now you are ready to display your very scary ghost craft! And it only cost $1.50. I am going to make a few more to have a little family of ghosts :)

Linking up here:
Making the World Cuter MondaysToday's Creative BlogBlue Cricket DesignHooking up w/HoHRemodelaholics AnonymousJAG Show and Share DayFrugalicious FridayFrouFrouDecorWeekend Wrap Up PartySunday Showcase Party


  1. Very cute! Makes me want to say "Boooooooo"!
    Love it!

  2. I LOVE this idea! The Dollar Tree is my home away from home! :)

    I'd like to invite you to link your ghosts up to my "Open Haunted House" Linky Party on my blog. Here is the link:

    P.S. I also love your blog background...too cute! :)

  3. This is very cute, and the reason I found your blog to begin with, but now I have a question. How did you make your fabulous background? It is wonderful! :)

  4. Thanks everyone!

    LambAround, my husband actually made the background for me in photoshop after I told him what I wanted. I kinda got the idea after I saw some of the cutestblogontheblock blogs since they were cute and had fun colors :)

  5. wow, so simple even I could do it!


  6. Super cute and so similar to something I just made and posted but yours looks way simpler than mine.

    And we are huge tiger fans too - Goooo Tigers! :)

  7. Stopping over from TT&J! Love this idea! So cute and simple! Love that! :)


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