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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blog Makeover

See anything different.....? LaForce Be With You got a MAKEOVER! After a little over 1 1/2 years I figured it was time for a new look. While I liked my whimsical and cute first design, I wanted something a little simpler and make it easier for all of YOU to find things here.

I talked to dear hubby (a.k.a. code monkey) about what I wanted and showed him some various blogs and things I liked and didn't like about their designs and this is what he came up with. Well really he came up with something very close to this and we sat down and made some tweaks to end up with the final product! We kept the same color scheme since that worked really well and still makes my blog recognizable. I especially love the custom ribbon coming off of the "F" in LaForce.

In the future I am looking to have indexes with thumbnails for the main buttons (recipes, top diy, adventures) but for now they just link to categories same as clicking on a grouping on the right-hand side.

Hope you like the new look! Thanks hubby!


I love your comments and will answer all questions. Note I do approve all comments so it may take up to a few hours before your comment will appear. Thanks for understanding!

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