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Monday, April 16, 2012

LaForce Likes #7

LaForce Likes lucky number 7 is... the "how did I totally luck out and find t-strap black sandals that fit me and are cute!" post.
Swivvel by Steve Madden
Let me briefly back up... I have narrow feet. And I mean very narrow. I have even bought narrow width shoes before and my heels slipped right out the backs. Finding pumps for work is a job in itself.

I have been wanting a pair of black t-strap sandals for awhile now but every pair seemed to be too wide for me where the t-strap part was loose and not fitting against the top of my foot.

I was ordering something else and decided to order a few t-strap sandals from piperlime since I noticed they started doing free shipping both ways. The first couple pairs I got were exactly the same as others, but then when I got to these beauties from Steve Madden they were perfect! Bless you Steve Madden. Not only did they fit my very narrow feet but they were cute and comfy and I can tell they were well made.

If anyone else has a narrow foot out there, this one is for you!

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